Tuesday, 3 June 2008

K'Cham Voters Wary of False Promises

By Sok Khemara, VOA Khmer
Orignal report from Kampong Cham province
02 June 2008

Khmer audio aired May 31 (1.05MB) - Download (MP3)
Khmer audio aired May 31 (1.05MB) - Listen (MP3)

Rural voters in Kampong Cham province say they will not tolerate broken promises from campaigning officials, and they are waiting to hear from parties in the official election campaign period before making their decision.

The villagers, from O Raing Au district, told VOA Khmer they were tired of empty political promises that were never followed up on once ballots were cast.

"How can I believe?" asked Chab Noy, a farmer with nine children. "There are people who just talk, but no people who respect promises."

Nam Sophal, a motorcycle taxi driver in Ampil Tapok commune, said he was waiting to see what politicians will say in the campaign period, but he wasn't optimistic that words would lead to action.

"Any party is the same," he said. "Just promise to do this, to do that, and then never apply."

Grocer Hai Meng Kong said any politician breaking a promise was risking losing a supporter.

"If anyone makes an empty promise," he said, "I will not vote for them any more."

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