Thursday, 5 June 2008

Vietnamese Co To Plant More Rubber Trees In Cambodia

Thursday June 5

PHNOM PENH, June 5 Asia Pulse - The Vietnam Rubber Group (VRG) held a meeting in Cambodia's capital Phnom Penh on June 3 to discuss measures to speed up its rubber cultivation in the neighbouring country.

Addressing the event, VRG Deputy General Director Tran Ngoc Thuan said the project, which targets 100,000ha of rubber in Cambodia, will generate more jobs and help reduce poverty for local people.

He affirmed VRGs determination to ensure its rubber cultivation project is conducted as scheduled.

Representatives from a number of Cambodian ministries and provinces said they will create favourable conditions for VRG to successfully carry out its project.

The conference was attended by representatives from Cambodian ministries and localities where VRG is conducting its project including Kampong Thom, Kratie and Mondulkiri.


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