Tuesday, 8 July 2008

2 Cambodian parties make alliance before general election


PHNOM PENH, July 7 (Xinhua) -- Two small political parties in Cambodia, the Khmer Anti-Poverty Party (KAP) and the Justice Society Party (JSP) announced Monday that they agreed to make an alliance before the general election on July 27.

"We will both get benefit from this alliance because we could get more votes and have more seats in the parliamentary election," KAP President Krovagn Darorn told reporters.

"We will help each other in this election campaign," he added.

"We have similar political platforms. Therefore we could reach this alliance agreement," JSP President Ban Sophal said.

Long Rith, president of the Khmer Republican Party (KRP) also showed to make alliances.

"Up to now, we have not put all things on the table to discuss and I do not refuse to do so," he said.

Cambodia will conduct the parliamentary election on July 27, in which all 11 parties will compete for 123 seats in the National Assembly.

Editor: Bi Mingxin

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