Wednesday, 9 July 2008

Cambodia: Cambodians Celebrate World Heritage Status For Disputed Temple

A Cambodian woman holds banner reading "Celebrate, the Preah Vihear temple is a World Heritage Site", as she waves a national flags at a central market in Phnom Penh July 8, 2008. The World Heritage committee meeting in Canada has approved Cambodia's application to list the 11th century Preah Vihear temple as a World Heritage site.REUTERS/Chor Sokunthea (CAMBODIA)

Hundreds of Cambodians wave national flags during a celebration at a central market in Phnom Penh July 8, 2008. The World Heritage committee meeting in Canada has approved Cambodia's application to list the 11th century Preah Vihear temple as a World Heritage site.REUTERS/Chor Sokunthea (CAMBODIA)

People wave national flags at the central market in Phnom Penh on July 8 as they celebrate the inclusion of Preah Vihear temple by UN cultural agency Unesco to World Heritage. A Hindu temple in Cambodia, two historic Malaysian trading towns and an early agricultural site from Papua New Guinea were added to UNESCO's World Heritage List on July 7.(AFP/Tang Chhin Sothy)

Cambodians celebrate Cambodia's famed Preah Vihear temple enlisted as a World Heritage site during a rally in the capital Phnom Penh, Tuesday, July 8, 2008. Many Cambodians took to the street Tuesday to celebrate their country's success to have the 11th-century Hindu temple enlisted as a world heritage site despite recent protest by opposition groups in neighboring Thailand.(AP Photo/Heng Sinith)

MySinchew 2008.07.08

PHNOM PENH, CAMBODIA: Cambodians celebrated in the streets Tuesday (8 July) over their country's success in having an 11th century Hindu temple named a world heritage landmark despite objections in neighboring Thailand, which claims territory around the site.

Thousands danced, sang and waved Cambodian flags, chanting "Long live Preah Vihear temple!" in response to news that UNESCO had granted the temple World Heritage Site status.

"This is a very auspicious day for us. We're very delighted," said Ti Vansi, a medical student who joined his peers in skipping class to hold a celebration rally.

In a statement Tuesday, Prime Minister Hun Sen called the temple's designation "a new pride for the people of Cambodia."

UNESCO spokeswoman Joanna Sullivan said Monday (7 July) the temple was designated a heritage site at a meeting in Quebec City.

The site of the building, which lies along the disputed Thai-Cambodian border, has long been a point of contention between the two Asian neighbors.

In 1962, the International Court of Justice awarded the temple and the land it occupies to Cambodia, a decision that still rankles Thais even though the temple is culturally Cambodian, sharing the Hindu-influenced style of the more famous Angkor Wat in northwestern Cambodia.
Cambodia started seeking the status for the temple in 2001, hoping for the influx of tourism and international funding that normally accompanies the designation. In the past, Thailand has vetoed its neighbor's submissions amid fears the status would include disputed land along the border.

But in May, Thai Prime Minister Samak Sundaravej's government bypassed the Parliament and endorsed Cambodia's application. Thai critics have accused him of violating the country's sovereignty, and the government withdrew its support late last month.

Cambodian Foreign Minister Hor Namhong has accused Thai opposition politicians of exploiting the cross-border dispute to advance their own domestic political agenda and warned they might endanger bilateral relations.

Tensions along the border boiled over last month when protesters threatened to evict Cambodians living in the disputed territory. Cambodia responded by closing access to the temple.

The successful inscription of Preah Vihear temple "resulted from a very long and complicated process and negotiations," Hun Sen said in his statement.

In a reassurance to Thailand, he added the temple's inscription "does not affect" the negotiations to resolve problems of the border line between the two nations.


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