Thursday, 17 July 2008

Cambodia, Thailand call for calm over temple dispute

Tensions between Thailand and Cambodia have escalated over the Preah Vihear temple's listing as a World Heritage site. [Reuters]

Radio Australia

Senior Cambodian and Thai officials have called for calm, a day after more Thai soldiers crossed the border near the Preah Vihear temple.

Thailand and Cambodia have called a special General Border Committee meeting for next Monday to try to defuse tension over the newly listed World Heritage Site.

The meeting follows the release of three Thai protestors detained by Cambodia for illegally entering the disputed area, adjacent to the 11th century Hindu temple.

Thailand has reportedly ordered 140 elite soldiers to the border.

The countries are in dispute over a 4.6-square-kilometre area near the temple that is home to a small Cambodian village.

Thailand is angry that Cambodia has allowed its people to build a village in the disputed area and wants a demarcation of the border.

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