Wednesday, 30 July 2008

Norodom Sihanouk against Thaksin’s projects in Koh Kong

Koh Kong Island © C. M.
Cambodge Soir

Thailand’s ex prime Minister plans to build a large tourist resort on the Cambodian island of Koh Kong.

The King-father is against this development project in Koh Kong, he indicated in an official release on his website. Thaksin and business partners from the Arabian peninsula back the project.

“ Our great neighbour, Thailand, has been eying Koh Kong for a long time” asserted Norodom Sihanouk. He added: “I myself had to fight hard against Thai expansionism” between the 1940s and 1960s.

The ex-Prime Minister—still facing legal proceedings in his home country—is compared to a “Croesus”, “ extremely wealthy” and as having “ colossal financial resources.

Thaksin Shinawatra’s project was revealed in April by the weekly newspaper Matichon . The Bangkok post revealed in its May 1 issue that the ex-head of government would like to turn Koh Kong into “a new Hong Kong”.

Hun Sen, the Cambodian prime Minister agreed to the project during a round of golf with Thaksin Shinawatra in Phnom Penh early April.

The Thai opposition also criticizes the Koh Kong project, accusing the Samak government of siding with Cambodia on the Preah Vihear dispute, to promote the ex-prime Minister of Thailand personal business interests.

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