Friday, 25 July 2008

Sam Rainsy guilty of insulting the CPP

Cambodge Soir

The National election Committee (NEC), during a public Audience held on Wednesday July 23, fined Sam Rainsy ten million riel, following a complaint filed by the Cambodian People’s Party from Kampong Cham and Kratie provinces. Im Sousdey, the NEC president, stated that the opposition leader insulted the three leaders of the Cambodian People's Party, Chea Sim, Heng Samrin and Hun Sen during the campaign naming them “the thieves of the Nation”. The CPP won the case by claiming that Parliamentary elections Law had been violated, as it stipulates that each running party must respect its competitors.

The Sam Rainsy Party (SRP) considers this verdict unfair. The party indicated in a press release that its leader only quoted an extract from a sentence from the Global Witness NGO that mentioned “the family of the thieves of the nation”, adding that no law prevented him from saying so. The SRP will appeal to the Constitutional Council.

The first one illegally drove an army vehicle to organise a CPP parade in Kampot. The second rode a civil servant’s motorbike in Preah Vihear province. This money will go into the coffers of the State.

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