Tuesday, 29 July 2008

Sam Rainsy : “Phnom Penh could become a small Zimbabwe”

(L-R) Sam Rainsy Party (SRP) leader Sam Rainsy, Human Rights Party leader Khem Sokha, member of royalist FUNCINPEC Prince Sisowath Sirirath and member of Norodom Ranariddh Party Muth Chantha hold hands during a news conference, as they reject election results saying it was manipulated by the ruling Cambodian People's Party (CCP) at SRP headquarters in Phnom Penh July 28, 2008. CCP claimed a landslide victory on Monday in an election bestowing another five years in power on ex-Khmer Rouge guerrilla Hun Sen, prime minister for the past 23 years.REUTERS/Chor Sokunthea (CAMBODIA)
Cambodge Soir

The opposition leader has challenged the Phnom Penh election outcome and asks for the organisation of a re-vote in the capital.

“There are two main outcomes from these elections : on the one hand only two parties are now major players in Cambodia, the CPP and the SRP. The others do not count any more. On the other hand the SRP has changed. Formerly our strongholds were urban areas, this time we also scored well in the countryside”, he asserted in front of supporters gathered in the party’s headquarters on Sothearos avenue in Phnom Penh.

According to partial results, the SRP may have won Kratie and Prey Veng provinces. As for the Phnom Penh result, Sam Rainsy requested a revote in the coming days.“There will be mass disruptions if the government refuses. Phnom Penh could become a small Zimbabwe”, he forecasted.

“The bad results in Phnom Penh are due to the fact that several of our supporters' names were not on the lists. This is the result of CCP manoeuvres and the use of ghost names by the same party”.

According to the opposition leader, around 200,000 of his supporters were not on the lists and 100,000 "ghost names" were used by the CCP. The latter are names that were not erased from the lists although those individuals are deceased or have moved.

“In Phnom Penh voters are educated and were very angry not to be able to vote. I had to calm them down and asked them to protest peacefully” declared Sam Rainsy, adding that a demonstration will soon be organised.

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