Sunday, 27 July 2008

Thailand looks forward to ministerial talks with Cambodia and reaffirms its resolve to find a peaceful and just solution.

Mr. Tharit Charungvat, Director-General of the Department of Information and Foreign Ministry Spokesman, made the following statement to the press:

Thailand welcomes the convening of, and looks forward to participating in, the meeting of the Foreign Ministers of Thailand and Cambodia to discuss the situation in the area adjacent to the Temple of Preah Vihear, which Cambodia will host in Siem Reap on 28 July 2008. The holding of such talks was agreed by H.E. Mr. Samak Sundaravej, Prime Minister of Thailand, and H.E. Samdech Hun Sen, Prime Minister of Cambodia on 24 July 2008.

The upcoming ministerial meeting, being the second round of the bilateral process between Thailand and Cambodia to discuss the situation, will pave the way for a peaceful and just solution to the situation, as the two countries are neighbours with a shared border and fellow members of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN). Already, both sides have achieved substantive progress during the first round of consultation held in Sa Kaew Province on 21 July 2008.

Recognizing the complexity of the challenge before the two countries, Thailand stands ready to work with Cambodia in the continued process of consultations and negotiations under the various existing bilateral mechanisms, including the Thai-Cambodian General Border Committee (GBC) and the Joint Boundary Commission (JBC) in order to resolve the situation.

Thailand stands by its intention to exercise the utmost restraint and refrain from any violence, per the special session of the GBC in Sa Kaew Province on 21 July 2008. It will continue to do so. Regarding the actual situation in the area, the Thai and Cambodian troops stationed there are on friendly terms. All channels of communications between the two countries are open, and both sides are in continued close contact.

Thailand reaffirms that as Thailand and Cambodia are permanent next-door neighbours, the Thai side is determined to carry on consultations and negotiations with Cambodia in the spirit of good neighbourliness and ASEAN solidarity, so that the peoples of our two countries may live and work together in friendship to promote shared peace and prosperity for this and future generations.

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