Wednesday, 13 August 2008

Border talk continues in Surin

( - Second army commander Lt-Gen Sujit Sitthiprapa on Wednesday attended a bilateral meeting with Deputy Defence Minister Gen Neang Paht over disputes on Preah Vihear and Ta Moan Thom temples situated on Thai-Cambodian border.

The meeting was held at Thong Tarin hotel in the municipality of Surin province.

This is the 11th Joint Boundary Commission on the border dispute.

Reporters were not allowed to attend the meeting, but a press conference on progress made during the meeting was expected to be held at 3pm.

Preah Vihear has been claimed by both sides for decades, but was awarded to Cambodia by the International Court of Justice in 1962, a ruling that has rankled in Thailand ever since. The row spread early this month to Ta Moan Thom, a second ancient temple, on the border between Phanom Dong Rak district in Surin and Odday Meanchey in Cambodia.

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