Thursday, 7 August 2008

Cambodia stresses amiable solution with Thailand

New Sabah Times
7th August, 2008

PHNOM PENH: Cambodia’s prime minister reiterated his call for a peaceful solution to a border dispute with Thailand, warning Wednesday that both countries’ economies would suffer if the conflict erupts into a full-scale war.

In his first public speech since winning national elections last month, Prime Minister Hun Sen said both countries must “narrow the conflict and expand friendship and cooperation.”

Thai and Cambodian troops have been facing off along their shared border for three weeks over disputed territory—first near Preah Vihear temple and then at Ta Moan Thom temple.

Hun Sen’s comments came as the confrontation at Ta Moan Thom appeared to be easing, with both sides pulling back their soldiers.

“We cannot just carve out Thailand to put in the sky or move our land away,” Hun Sen said in a two-hour speech Wednesday. “We will coexist for tens of thousands of years to come.”

He also criticized leaflets calling for a Cambodian boycott of Thai goods in response to Thailand’s alleged encroachment onto Cambodian territory near Preah Vihear.

“A border dispute should not turn the two countries into enemies in all domains,” he said. “That is very dangerous.”

He said he was not being “soft,” but warned that if war broke out “the two countries will only stand to lose” in terms of trade and economic cooperation.

The dispute surrounding the 13th century Ta Moan Thom temple started when Cambodian officials said some 70 Thai soldiers occupied the temple site last week and prevented Cambodian troops from entering. Thai military officials countered that their troops had been in the area for years.

Agreement for a troop withdrawal from the grounds of the temple was reached late Tuesday during a meeting between officials from the two countries, said Maj. Ho Bunthy, a Cambodian army commander in the area.

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