Friday, 8 August 2008

Cambodian PM refuses to approve pardon for Prince Ranariddh

August 08, 2008

Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Senannounced that he will not sign any request for King Norodom Sihamoni to pardon his half brother Prince Norodom Ranariddh, whose conviction for breach of trust was upheld by the Supreme Court last month, local media reported Friday.

In an oblique reference to Ranariddh, Hun Sen said he could consider such a request only if the prince has served two-thirds of his jail term, according to the Mekong Times newspaper.

"If (the prince has been sentenced) to 18 months in jail, (he) must first serve two-thirds of the term," Hun Sen was quoted as saying.

On July 30, the Supreme Court upheld the Appeal Court's decision to hand down an 18-month sentence to Prince Ranariddh and ordered him to pay 150,000 U.S. dollars in compensation on charges of breach of trust over the sale of the Funcinpec Party's headquarters during his time as party president.

In a last-ditch effort to repeal the conviction against the prince, who is currently in self-imposed exile, opposition leadersand Mam Sonando, head of Beehive Radio Station, have written to King Sihamoni to consider pardoning the prince.  

Source: Xinhua

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