Saturday, 9 August 2008

Cambodia's garbage to be turned into compost

Radio Australia

Cintri, the firm charged with the mammoth task of collecting garbage in the Cambodian capital has unveiled plans to recycle Phnom Penh's mountains of trash into organic fertilizer.

But the firm says city dwellers themselves will need to pitch in by sorting out the garbage into specific categories for the plan to be a success.

With fertilizer prices peaking at three times the cost in 2007, Cintri hopes to use the garbage to produce compost for the farmers.

The firm's deputy director, Seng Chamroeun, says Cintri will soon begin combing the refuse piles at Stung Meanchey landfill site for appropriateorganic waste.

Mr Seng says turning organic waste into compost is not complicated, the people just need to know the type of garbage which can be used to produce compost.

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