Wednesday, 13 August 2008

Germany to sign 50-million-dollar aid agreements with Cambodia

The Earth Times
Tue, 12 Aug 2008
Author : DPA

Phnom Penh - Germany was scheduled to sign two aid agreements with Cambodia Wednesday that would allocate more than 50 million dollars to the impoverished Asian nation, embassy officials said. The two agreements were worth 24.7 million and 26.7 million dollars, an embassy official said Tuesday.

The first is an agreement on technical cooperation that includes technical support on social welfare projects and developments in electricity supply, agriculture and irrigation.

The second is for financial cooperation for projects including social welfare, reproductive health, electric power programmes in rural areas and rural infrastructure.

"This is direct bilateral cooperation," the embassy official said. "It does not include the substantial amounts being provided by Germany through various non-government organizations."

Negotiations on the development aid agreement were concluded in October and a signing ceremony scheduled Wednesday at the Foreign Ministry would formalize them, the embassy official said.

Germany is an important donor to Cambodia and donated millions to the joint UN-Cambodian court set up in July to try former Khmer Rouge leaders.

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