Tuesday, 26 August 2008

Health and education hit the jackpot: US$ 34.3 million in USAID money

Cambodge Soir


This amount will be distributed to fight against Aids and infectious diseases but also to improve elementary education and access to schooling for minorities and the disabled.

On Monday morning, Hor Nam Hong, Minister of foreign affairs and Erin Soto, USAID mission director, signed two memoranda on US$ 34.3 million for health and education.

Out of the total amount, US$ 32.2 million will be allocated to reduce transmission of the Aids virus and to prevent infectious diseases such as tuberculosis, fight avian flu, improve obstetrics medication and strengthen the National Health Service.

As for the US$ 2 million left, it will be used for elementary education and to guarantee schooling for all, especially minorities, the disabled and the underprivileged. It will also be used to implement the new national programme.

The ceremony was held at the Foreign Affairs Ministry, attended by the Cambodian Prime Minister and the American Ambassador, Joseph A. Mussomeli. Hun Sen took this opportunity to declare to the American Ambassador: “We signed a memorandum before the new government was formed, I think that the US do not doubt [the elections result] and will continue to work with prime minister Hun Sen”. A timely statement as the NEC (National Election Committee) did not appreciate the comments of European Union observers, who in their preliminary report, sent shortly after the election, voiced several reservations regarding the campaign.

The funds are provided by the United States Agency for International Development. The Agency is committed to Cambodia in the fields of Human rights, law, the fight against corruption, natural resources management, etc. since 2002 USAID has given around US$ 200 million to Cambodia, mainly to the Cambodian health and education departments. The Agency should support Cambodia to the tune of US$57.5 million for the year 2008.

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