Friday, 15 August 2008

The markets of the capital city will undergo a facelift

Kep Chuktema, Phnom Penh Governor. © AN

Cambodge Soir

The renovation works of phsar Thmey have started at the beginning of the summer. The authorities already expect to start works at two other sites.

On Tuesday 12th of August, the Phnom Penh Governor welcomed several hundreds of shopkeepers from the Central Market in order to calm the atmosphere while the latter are protesting against de decrease in size of their stands.

During his monologue which lasted about twenty minutes, Chep Chuktema announced that the next markets to be renovated will be phsar Kandal, followed by phsar Chas.

For what concerns phsar Thmey, he wishes construction works to progress quickly because: “Phnom Penh city will organise a ceremony to celebrate its 575th birthday and to commemorate the victory of the 7th of January 1979”.

In 2009, Cambodia will celebrate the 30th birthday of the fall of the Pol Pot regime.

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