Friday, 1 August 2008

Norodom Ranariddh sentence upheld

Cambodge Soir

The Supreme Court decided on Wednesday July 30 to uphold the Appeals Court’s verdict sentencing, in absentia, Prince Norodom Ranariddh to 18 months in jail. The Prince is also ordered to pay US$ 150,000 in compensation to Nhiek Bunchhay, Funcinpec General Secretary, with regard to the Royalist party’s controversial sale of headquarters case.

“I strongly condemn this decision” reacted the NRP spokesman Muth Chantha. “The plaintiff sent a letter to the Court Tuesday evening to withdraw his complaint but the Court refused to consider this document. It is a political issue”. Following this decision the Prince, who was elected in Kampong Cham, will not be able to take his seat in the new assembly. Norodom Ranariddh decided to withdraw in order to let You Hockry, the general secretary of the party, stand.

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