Thursday, 28 August 2008

Norodom Sihanouk renews his warning to the royal family

Cambodge Soir


Yesterday, in a short release, the former King mentioned Princes and Princesses implication in the country’s political life. He also reiterated his position, made public in 2006. He was at the time asking his family to withdraw from politics.

“I had asked publically the members of the Royal family not to be involved in politics” wrote Norodom Sihanouk in the introduction of a release headed: “Royal family members and politics”. He referred to the position he adopted two years ago following Prince Ranariddh’s resignation as National Assembly President. The Prince and Funcinpec were at the time losing ground against the CPP and the SRP. After the temporary result of the general election, with Funcinpec only winning two seats, the situation went from bad to worse. There are no members of the Royal family positioned to hold High-ranking functions in the future government.

The former King recalled and quoted the “strong and negative if not hostile” reactions from some Princes(ses) determined to be “free politicians”. “A great Princess and her beloved husband are in disgrace and their names are dragged through the mud” he pointed. Then he went on about a Prince forced to live in (gilded) self-exile”. Even if he does not mention his name, the former King was referring to Prince Ranariddh, the former Prime Minister who now lives in Malaysia to escape a jail sentence.

Finally, Norodom Sihanouk used examples to predict that “the misfortunes and humiliations of Khmer Princes and Princesses crazy for politic are far from over”. Overall the King renewed his wish that the Royal Family should limit their involvement to charity activities and invited princes and Princesses to follow his advice.

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