Friday, 22 August 2008

Sam Rainsy Party to move offices

The Phnom Penh Post

Written by Meas Sokchea
Thursday, 21 August 2008

THE Sam Rainsy Party (SRP) is seeking a new location for its headquarters because the owner of the current Sothearos Boulevard site, who is also a senior SRP official, wants to reclaim his land.

SRP Deputy President Kong Korm told the Post that the move has nothing to do with internal party politics, but is happening because he wants to rent or sell the 5,000-square-meter property. "This is my house. I now need to look for some kind of income," Korm added.

The site has been used as SRP's headquarters for more than 10 years with the party only paying for electricity and water, Kong Korm said. "The move is likely to begin after National Assembly and government have been convened."

"I already told President Sam Rainsy about it when he came back from France in May. He is prepared to move," Kong Korm said.

The SRP is currently seeking a new location for its head offices in Phnom Penh's southern suburbs, Kong Korm said.

Sam Rainsy could not be reached for comment about the move.

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