Monday, 29 September 2008

Criticized Hun Sen's Government and his leadership

Cambodian Action Committee for Justice and Equity (CACJE)

No: 3 Fountain Ave. Cranston RI, 02920 Web:, Email:

"CACJE’s mission is working & advocating for Social Justice & Human Equity"

Immediately Press Release

September 26th 2008


Cambodian Action Committee for justice and Equity (CACJE) denounces the demarche of Hun Sen Royal Government of Cambodia to solve the border problem with the Kingdom of Thailand for delaying for too long the legal action. Therefore, in that way Hun Sen government let the Kingdom of Thailand infiltrates its armed forces to violate the sovereignty and the territorial integrity of the western border of Cambodia.

The delaying and the continuing of negotiation by Hun Sen government and the Cambodian People Party with Thailand were intended to cheat Cambodian people, notably to hide its secret deal with Mr. Thaksin Shinawatra, ex-Prime Minister kicked out of the power.

On the other hand, the demagogy and the treason that Hun Sen Royal Government of Cambodia tried to hide to Cambodian people was its secret agreement with the Socialist Republic of Vietnam of NOT TO IMPLEMENT the Paris Peace Agreement of October 23rd , 1991 to solve border problem with Thailand because the Paris Peace Agreement of October 23rd, 1991 was not only the fundamental treaty to solve the border problem with Thailand but also with Vietnam and Laos.

The letter of UCAOA of July 3, 2008 to Mr. Jan K.F. Grauls, Ambassador of Belgium and Chairman of the United Nations Security Council of July, and Mr. Noer Hasan Wirajuda, Foreign Minister of Indonesia and Mr. Bernard Kouchner, Foreign Minister of France and co-chair of the Paris Peace Agreement of October 23rd, 1991 Conference emphasized very clearly the fact that the negotiation of Hun Sen government to solve border problem with Thailand did not represent the Cambodian people will.

Concerning border negotiation, CACJE rejects categorically any negotiation of any Cambodian leaders who committed Cambodian land or Cambodian heritage patrimonies as basis of discussion with foreign countries to solve border problem, because it will end up by Cambodia giving away Cambodian land and Cambodian heritage properties to foreign countries.

The France-Siam Treaty of 1904, 1907, the Court Order of the International Court of Justice of The Hague of June 15, 1962 and the Paris Peace Agreement of October 23, 1991 constituted a solid legal tool to submit our case to the United Nations Security Council in order to defend Cambodia sovereignty and territorial integrity.

with an area of 181, 035 square kilometers as it was stipulated by the map of Cambodia deposited in the United Nations since 1954.

Not only Hun Sen government did not do his duty of defending its motherland, conversely, Hun Sen government let foreign armies invade Cambodia, violate its sovereignty and territorial integrity.

Hun Sen government negotiation is aimed to hide his betrayal to Cambodian people and to let Thailand violates Cambodia sovereignty and grab Cambodian Historic Temples and maltreat Cambodian people who lived peacefully on the border. Hun Sen government, the Vietnamese puppet, let Thailand did it in the same way as the Vietnamese mistreated Cambodian people, kicked Cambodian people out of their land and grabbed their land up to these days.

CACJE condemns solemnly before Cambodia History Hun Sen Royal Government of Cambodia and the Cambodian People Party as traitor who let Thailand and Vietnam grab our land, our historic patrimonies, and our ancestral heritage.


Chief Mission

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