Monday, 1 September 2008

A Condom lubricant efficient against pimples in Cambodia?

Cambodge Soir


A condom lubricant allegedly efficient against acne! This funny information which was published on Thursday 28th of August in the Khmer newspaper Kampuchea Thmey, has been picked up by AFP.

Without even having the intention, Population Services International (PSI) is probably running a good marketing campaign. This non-profit health organisation, based in Cambodia, has created a water-based lubricant which would be excellent to fight acne. At least, this is what a young shop owner from Phnom Penh told Agence France Presse. “After having used it during three days, my acne disappeared”, said Tep Kemyoeurn. Another person; 29 years old Khen Vanny, quoted by AFP, also said that many textile workers from the capital city where successfully using this remedy in order to get rid of those awkward pimples. The Kampuchea Thmey newspaper also publishes other testimonies with the same message. The newspaper makes it clear however that the long term effects of the gel on the face are unknown and has asked independent experts to study the subject in order to give their opinion concerning this strange discovery. Contacted by Cambodge Soir Hebdo, Chris Jones, PSI representative in Cambodia, confirms that the lubricant “has no other goal” than to improve the prevention of the HIV virus and other sexually transmitted diseases in the Kingdom. The contraceptive is directly distributed to prostitutes and homosexuals by social workers. The question is now to know whether acne also disappears within this population…

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