Friday, 26 September 2008

Drama troupes descend on Phnom Penh

Photo supplied; Dance will be a feature of the theatre festival.

The Phnom Penh Post

Written by Mom Kunthear
Thursday, 25 September 2008

The upcoming Lakhaon International Theatre Festival will showcase traditional theatre styles

THE upcoming Lakhaon International Theatre Festival will showcase various traditional theatrical styles from 12 companies from France, Cambodia and a number of other Southeast Asian countries, the director of the French Cultural Centre said Wednesday.

Centre Director Alain Arnaudet said at a news conference that the International Theatre Festival was started in 2007 to promote traditional theatrical styles and help develop new contemporary styles through encounters and exchanges between artists from various cultural horizons, adding that approximately 300 actors and actresses will perform in the festival.

While the festival will present plays from the Khmer classical repertoire that originate in traditional theatrical forms, it will also showcase varied contemporary creations.

"Seven of the twelve plays shown during the festival will be Khmer and will feature nine different theatrical styles," said Arnaudet."This is the second time that the French Cultural Centre will host the International Theatre Festival and we look forward to many more festivals of this kind in the future."

"The most important part for us is that people enjoy themselves and that the actors and actresses have the chance to meet each other and exchange ideas."

Catherine Marnas, a French director-in-residence at the centre from August until October, says she is happy that so many companies representing various countries and cultures will have a chance to perform together.

"Even though I am a foreigner, I like to mix my culture with other cultures. I try to combine what I know about theatre from a Western perspective with what I know about theatre in other cultures," she said.

"My goal is to tie foreign and Cambodian theatre together because I want to respect Khmer tradition."

The Lakhaon International Theatre Festival will be held from October 3-9 at the Chenla Cultural Centre.

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