Tuesday, 30 September 2008

Govt makes efforts to attract foreign investors

Fibre 2 Fashion
September 30, 2008

The Cambodian garment sector is going through rough phase due to shut down of various enterprises. As a result, the Government is making efforts to attract foreign investors to put money in the country in order to stabilize the unsteady economy.

Even the slowdown in US has made its impact felt in Cambodia. Country's garment export has reduced due to lack of demand from US. The strong competition from China and Vietnam is also making it difficult for the nation to earn profits.

Recently, a delegation of 18 eminent Hong Kong businessmen visited Cambodia to look for new trade opportunities in the country. The group of representatives was headed by Neville Shroff, Vice Chairman, Hong Kong chamber's Asia-Africa committee that held meeting with Vice President of the Cambodia chamber of commerce.

The Hong Kong based entrepreneurs have shown keen interest in making investments in the textile and garment sector. It is assumed that the purpose of visit was to look for local partners who can collaborate and help these overseas traders expand their business here.

It is believed that the delegation arrived in Cambodia after eying investment opportunities in Laos.

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