Sunday, 28 September 2008

Ho Chi Minh City donates communal house to expats in Cambodia

Nhan Dan
September 27, 2008

The Vietnamese Community Association in Cambodia on September 26 inaugurated a communal house built by the Ho Chi Minh City Association in Support of Poor Patients at a cost of US$11,000.

The house is a gift to overseas Vietnamese living in Phach Sangday village, Kompong Svay district, Kompong Thom province, by the Tonle Sap lake.

The donor went on to present a variety of gifts at the inauguration ceremony, including rice, sugar and instant noodles for families in need during the rainy season.

The 60 square metre wide, moveable communal house is made of timber and floats on the surface of the lake, making it suitable for people living on water resources. It is used as a conference hall for the local Vietnamese community to hold meetings and gatherings during traditional festivals, for wedding parties or memorial ceremonies.

It is the third such gift given by homeland donors to overseas Vietnamese living on the Tonle Sap lake.

The Overseas Vietnamese taskforce of the Vietnamese Embassy and the Vietnamese Community Association are planning to raise funds for another five communal houses to be donated to overseas Vietnamese living in other parts of the Tonle Sap lake. (VNA)

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