Tuesday, 16 September 2008

How to learn from election mistakes…

Cambodge Soir


On Monday 15 September, the Cambodia Development Resource Institute (CDRI) organised a conference around the last elections with the objective to learn from its mistakes in order not to repeat them.

On Monday 15 September, the Cambodia Development Resource Institute (CDRI) organised a conference around the last elections with the objective to learn from its mistakes in order not to repeat them.

Organised by the CDRI in the framework of its Cambodian electoral conflict prevention program, this conference had the objective to inform the participants about the problems which occurred during the last elections. All the personalities concerned were invited to participate in the debate: the leaders of political parties, the National Election Committee, the Provincial Deputy Governors and the organisations in charge of observing the elections.

Jo Scheuer, UNDP director, stands behind this initiative and has praised Cambodia which had, according to him, made progress in the organisation of the elections since 1998. However, he expressed his concerns regarding the transparency of the polls. Some flaws should be re-examined. “For example: the issue of the 1018 forms (temporary identity cards allowing the voters to cast their vote, editor’s note) should be better evaluated”, did he explain. The challenges of next elections, the voting procedure itself, or the ballot count were also discussed.

Only one absentee during this debate: the Sam Rainsy parti (SRP). According to its representatives this form was used in the wrong way, to such extent that they continue disputing the last results. “Our political party is currently undergoing an internal reorganisation, said Sonn Chhay, SRP spokesperson, over the phone to Cambodge Soir Hebdo. This is why we can’t join any seminar.” For what concerns the CDRI, Larry Strange, executive director, deplores that the opposition party didn’t show up, even if we do respect this decision”, he added.

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