Tuesday, 16 September 2008

New bridge to facilitate Cambodia-vietnam trade

The Phnom Penh Post

Written by Post Staff
Tuesday, 16 September 2008

Cambodia has agreed to construct a bridge connecting Kandal province's Chrey Thom district with Vietnam in a bid to boost cross-border commerce, officials said last week. The US$20 million bridge will become an international checkpoint, according to Em Sovannara, head of the regional political department at the Council of Ministers International Relations Department. "I believe business at this checkpoint will increase because transportation will be easier." There are approximately 40 international and local border crossing between Cambodia and Vietnam, said Mao Thora, undersecretary of state for the Ministry of Commerce. "The ministry is looking for ways to expand commerce," he said. Trade between the two countries - mostly in the agricultural sectors - is expected to reach US$1.5 billion this year, Commerce Ministry officials said.

Some 150 Vietnamese vendors will hold an exhibition in Phnom Penh starting Thursday to highlight Vietnamese goods, said Le Bien Cuong, Vietnam's commercial counselor to Cambodia. "Our people used to claim that Vietnamese products are of a poor quality, so they want to show us that their products are good," said Kep Vutha, who is organising the exhibition.

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