Thursday, 11 September 2008

New line of ATMs launched in Cambodia

Vandy Rattana; Matthew Heap, NCR’s marketing director for Asia Pacific, demonstrates one of the company’s next generation of automatic teller machines that have been introduced to Cambodia.

The Phnom Penh Post

Written by Hor Hab
Friday, 12 September 2008

Machines expected to make self-service banking more convenient

THE US-based NCR Corp Wednesday launched a next-generation line of automatic teller machines (ATMs) in Cambodia that it says will broaden the range of automated banking options available to customers.

"We believe that ATMs are a very cost-effective way for banks in Cambodia to rapidly increase their distribution around the country to better offer services to many customers," Matthew Heap, NCR's industry marketing director for Asia Pacific, said at the product launch.

The company already services several Cambodian banks, including ANZ and Mekong Bank, and hopes to place its new ATMs throughout the Kingdom.

Better customer service is key to the success of Cambodia's nascent banking sector, and easy access to cash has become increasingly important as bankers become more sophisticated, Heap said.

"The key challenge for banks is how to grow the number of customers, the number of ATM cards [issued] and the number of deposit products such as credit cards, because the banking industry in Cambodia is quite new," Heap said.

"Clearly, consumers want self-service banking to be convenient, easy to use, secure and always available," he said in a separate statement.

Several of Cambodia's top banks recently established an integrated ATM system that allows customers to withdraw funds from cash points of competing banks.

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