Tuesday, 23 September 2008

Norodom Ranariddh will be back on the 28th of September

Cambodge Soir


The King’s stepbrother still hasn’t received Norodom Sihamoni’s pardon.

The Prince Norodom Ranariddh will return to Cambodia on the 28th of September, during the celebrations of Pchum Ben; the festival of the Death, announced Suth Dina, the NRP’s spokesperson, on Sunday 21 September to the Reaksmey Kampuchea newspaper. The prince should land in Siem Reap.

The President of the NRP received the green light from Hun Sen to return to the country, after having decided to acknowledge the July election results.

Sentenced to eighteen months prison in absentia in 2006 for the illegal sales of the Funcinpec Headquarters, the former Prime Minister lived since then in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

The Prince, who was re-elected deputy this year in Kampong Cham province, offered his position to his deputy, You Hockry, General Secretary of the NRP. As yet, his political career remains vague. According to various sources, he could resume his political activities, or halt them in exchange for a position at the Royal Palace.

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