Wednesday, 17 September 2008

Official protest handed to Cambodia

The Phnom Penh Post
Wednesday September 17, 2008


Thailand yesterday denied a Cambodian accusation its troops had moved closer to Ta Kwai temple, saying that was unneeded as the ruins were inside Thai territory.

Bangkok also hit back at Phnom Penh, protesting through Cambodian ambassador Ung Sean that Cambodian troops had violated Thailand's sovereignty.

The Foreign Ministry said on its website that the temple, called Ta Kabey in Cambodia, is located in Phanom Dong Rak district of Surin province. It is 13km east of Ta Muen temple in the same district and 150km west of Preah Vihear.

The ministry's was responding to Cambodian government spokesman Khieu Kanharith, who claimed on Monday that Thai troops had moved into the area.

Instead, the ministry said, Phnom Penh sent ''a Cambodian armed unit'' into Ta Kwai on Saturday and it withdrew only after repeated calls by Thai authorities.

The ministry yesterday lodged an official protest with Cambodia.

Foreign affairs permanent secretary Virasakdi Futrakul handed the ambassador a letter saying:

''These acts constituted a violation of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Thailand,'' and urged the Cambodian government not to do it again.

The ministry reaffirmed its commitment to closely cooperate with Cambodia to end the border demarcation disputes.

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