Monday, 6 October 2008

A busy political agenda for the King Father in November

Cambodge Soir


Norodom Sihanouk will successively receive the visits of the Cambodian Prime Minister and the President of the main opposition party at his royal residence in Beijing.

In a letter dated 19 September, Sam Rainsy requested a courtesy audience with the King Father. The latter specified however that he wouldn’t receive him before the third week of November because he is currently undergoing medical examinations. According to Mu Sochua, Deputy General Secretary of the SRP, it would only be a courtesy visit without political agenda.

During a speech on the occasion of the new school year, Hun Sen also declared that he would soon be visiting the King. While the government leader indicated that he should be welcomed before Sam Rainsy, he didn’t specify the subjects he’d like to breach during this royal meeting.

However, it is not a coincidence if both men asked to meet the King Father. Before this announcement, the former monarch had congratulated Hun Sen through a letter sent from Beijing, after the latter had reassumed his position as Prime Minister on 24 September. “On behalf of my wife and on my own behalf, we wish to congratulate you for this appointment to a position worthy of your name”, wrote Norodom Sihanouk, adding that the prime Minister is a “great and prestigious leader” who has done a lot for Cambodia.

For what concerns Hun Sen, who considers Norodom Sihanouk as his “own father”, he stated in his letter that the words of the former King are “encouraging him in his work”.

These amiabilities contrast sharply with the speech of Sam Rainsy who, slightly after the elections, called for the former monarch to lead a royal crusade in order to “save the country”. According to him, the country is currently facing danger, particularly because of poverty, election frauds and foreign invasion.

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