Wednesday, 8 October 2008

Cambodia and Vietnam strengthen their relationship

The number of border posts should be increased

Cambodge Soir


The Khmer-Vietnamese Commission for Economical, Cultural and Scientific Cooperation held a meeting on 6 October for its tenth session, in Da Nang, Vietnam. This offers the opportunity for both countries to take concrete measures in order to improve their relationship.

Presided by Pham Gia Khiem, Vietnamese Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs, and Hor Namhong, Cambodian Foreign Minister, this session focused first of all on the economic efforts which are necessary to intensify their commercial exchanges and service activities. Those should represent about two billion dollars by 2010. Next, the two neighbour countries listed their priorities: staff training for example, or the development of infrastructure, investments, energy and transportation services.

Both representatives pleaded for a better cooperation concerning the construction of a hydro-electric plant, and also regarding the gas and fuel reserves. Telecommunication services will be modernised and the number of border posts will be increased in order to facilitate the economic and cultural exchanges and to preserve the territorial integrity of each.

Pham Gia Khiem and Hor Hamhong also decided to improve their cooperation on matters of national security and the battle against international crimes. The Khmer-Vietnamese sea patrols will therefore continue their activities.

The session ended on an assessment of the previous year. Since August 2007, both countries made lots of improvement concerning their cooperation, particularly in the economic, commercial and financial sectors, but also on the field of education, tourism and health. The next meeting of the Commission will take place in Cambodia in 2009.

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