Friday, 24 October 2008

Cambodia gets additional EU funds

Cambodge Soir


The European Commission announced that it will finance programmes to support women and the underprivileged in the Kingdom’s rural areas.

Almost 1.3 million Euros (around US$ 1.8 million) will be allocated to finance several programmes implemented in Cambodia by Non Governmental Organisations. The budget will be distributed to Cambodian or European NGOs that have passed the selection process. These NGOs must have at least three years experience in food programmes in developing countries.

“Despite improvement of the economic situation of several social groups in Cambodia over the last few years, the nutritional situation of some households, in particular in rural areas have not changed” explained Rafael Dochao Moreno, chargĂ© d’affaires for the EU in Cambodia. “To tackle these issues considered a priority by the EC, we are committed to fund the best programme proposals, those that are able to improve the situation of women and of the most underprivileged in rural areas. And in particular, programmes focusing on the three most fragile provinces in terms of food, Ratanakiri, Mondolkiri and Oddar Meancheay”, he added.This aid comes within the framework of a bilateral agreement between the European Commission and the Royal government of Cambodia.

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