Tuesday, 7 October 2008

Cambodia hosts an international HIV/AIDS forum

Cambodge Soir


The second consultation and coordination forum for the fight against HIV/AIDS is taking place in Phnom Penh from 6 until 8 October. It involves six HAARP countries (The HIV/AIDS Asia Regional Program).

Cambodia, China, Laos, Myanmar, Vietnam and the Philippines are holding a 3-day meeting in Phnom Penh in order to organise exchanges and reflections in the framework of HAARP, a structure funded by AusAID, the Australian agency for international development.

The opening of this meeting on Monday 6 October was highlighted by the intervention of the General Secretary of the National Authority for Combating Drugs (NACD). Lour Ramin has indeed announced the start of a program, in collaboration with Australia, targeting drug users who are particularly affected by this phenomenon.

“The HIV/AIDS contamination risk is very high amongst drug users, particularly for the ones who are injecting the drugs. Moreover, once they’re under the influence of drugs, they often forget to use any protection during a sexual relationship”, he said, thus explaining the necessity of taking care of these people.

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