Tuesday, 21 October 2008

Cambodia postpones border talks with Thailand

RIA Novosti
20/ 10/ 2008

JAKARTA, October 20 (RIA Novosti) - Talks scheduled for Tuesday between Cambodia and Thailand to address recent clashes near the 11th century Preah Vihear Temple have been postponed on Phnom Penh's request, local media said on Monday.

The Thailand News Agency said the meeting of the Regional Border Committee, which is now expected to take place on Thursday or Friday, was to bring together commanders of the two armies in the Cambodian town of Siem Reap. The reason for the postponement is not clear, although the parties are reported to have said they were not ready to come to an agreement.

The Thai Foreign Ministry was reported to have been approached by Tia Banh, the Cambodian deputy prime minister and defense minister, who asked for the meeting to be postponed.
A new wave of tensions over the temple broke out in July, when Cambodia's application to have Preah Vihear placed on the world heritage list was approved. The listing was rejected by Thailand's Constitutional Court, however, and on October 15 two Cambodian soldiers were killed and several Thai troops injured during clashes over the ownership of the land around the ancient building.

The Preah Vihear temple was awarded to Cambodia in a 1962 ruling by the World Court, but issue of sovereignty over the adjacent land was not resolved and remains a point of contention between the Southeast Asian neighbors.

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