Tuesday, 21 October 2008

Cuban Five Cause Supported in Cambodia

Phnom Penh, Oct 20 (Prensa Latina) Cambodians and Cubans met Monday at the Cuban Embassy to Phnom Penb to express their support to the freedom cause of five Cuban anti-terrorist fighters imprisoned in the US, known as the Cuban Five.

Cuban Ambassador in Cambodia, Gilda Lopez, gave the most recent details on the unfair judicial process to which the Cuban Five have been submitted.

Lopez made a synthesis in which she highlighted the importance of solidarity to get the release of Antonio Guerrero, Fernando Gonzalez, Gerardo Hernandez, Ramon Labanino and Rene Gonzalez.

The Cuban Five penetrated terrorist groups from the counter-revolutionary exile based in Florida, US, to frustrate their complots and attacks against Cuba.

The Association of Cambodian Students Graduated in Cuba, the Committee for the Liberation of the Cuban Five, officials and relatives of students in Cuba, joined to the members of the Cuban Embassy in a demonstration that closed the activity for solidarity with the Cuban Five.
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