Friday, 31 October 2008

N Korea, Cambodia agree on cultural exchange

Friday, October 31 2008

Phnom Penh—Impoverished North Korea and Cambodia have agreed to host each other’s art shows and movies as part of a cultural exchange to boost relations, a senior Cambodian official said Thursday.

The agreement, which outlines an exchange of cultural events from 2009 to 2011, was signed in Phnom Penh on Monday during a visit by a North Korean cultural relations delegation, said Chuch Phoeurn, secretary of state at Cambodia’s ministry of culture.

“The cultural exchange includes exhibitions, a week of movies and art performances,” he told AFP. Chuch Phoeurn said Cambodia sends performers to North Korea every year to participate in shows, particularly the isolated country’s national ceremonies.

Former Cambodian king Norodom Sihanouk is a long-time friend of North Korea who, during his frequent visits, stays in a palace in Pyongyang provided to him by the North’s first leader, Kim Il-Sung.

North Korean Prime Minister Kim Yong-Il last year made a rare visit to Cambodia focused on boosting trade between the two nations.—APP

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