Friday, 10 October 2008

Police Blotter: 09 Oct 2008


Written by Mom Kunthear
Thursday, 09 October 2008

Ek Savuth was killed by a group of gangsters in Battambang district, Battambang province at 7pm Monday. The police said that a gang of six men, wielding knives and wooden sticks, ambushed Ek Savuth as he was walking down a lane. The man's mother said she refused to go for a walk with her son that day because his wedding ceremony was to take place within a few days. The police suspect that the attack was caused by a personal dispute and are searching for the perpetrators. KOH SANTEPHEAP

Sou So, 29, drowned in a pond in Chaba Morn district, Kampong Speu province around 2:30pm Monday. The police said that Sou So's family looked for him after he did not come back from taking his daily bath in the local pond. Sou So's wife and children were the first at the pond but failed to find the man's body. Sou So's whole family returned to the pond that night and found the man's body floating in the water approximately 100 metres from where he used to bathe. The police suspect that Sou So got dizzy while he was enjoying his bath and drowned because there was no one around to save him. RASMEY KAMPUCHEA

Chhem Chhey, 23, was arrested by the police after he raped an 11-year-old girl on October 2 in Chhul Kiri district, Kampong Chhnang province. The girl said the offender came to her family home while her mother was away and asked her about his chicken. When the girl told Chhem Chhey that she did not know where his chicken was, he held his hand over her mouth and raped her. The girl's family took the condom used by Chhem Chhey while he raped the girl to the commune chief as evidence of the crime. The police said Chhem Chhey has confessed to raping the girl twice and refused to have his photograph taken for the newspaper. KOH SANTEPHEAP

Che Chhoeng, 53, was arrested by the police after he raped and killed an 18-year-old woman in Thmor Pouk district, Banteay Meanchey province at 6am Saturday. The police said Che Chhoeng asked the young woman to help him cut fire wood to sell at the local market and then raped and killed her in the forest. Apparently the girl knew the perpetrator. KAMPUCHEA THMEY


  1. I do not understand ! I lived oversea always loving,get along, and communicate with each other with our khmer people,And why Cambodian people living with each other and make trouble with each other? I'm far away from our country and loving each other and don't need any foriegner people look down our khmer people. And we tried so hard about that.Why Cambodian and Cambodian people want to fight for each other? Or they want to go back to the Polpot regime? just government situation bring them back to the past let them know a bout that including the opposition party too. Bring them back to the past.

  2. Just let he know why the fucking old man did like that to the young girl? He is not Cambodian people put him in the jail forever.

  3. I'm so so sad with the fucking old man did like that to our khmer people. I believe he is not Cambodian people he is fucking Siemes people.
