Monday, 6 October 2008

Shots fired at the border between Thailand and Cambodia

Cambodge Soir


On Friday 3 October, around 3.30pm, shots have been fired between Thai and Cambodian soldiers near the temple of Preah Vihear, in the north-east of Cambodia.

According to the version of Yuy Wanthan, Cambodian military official in charge of this region, “16 Thai border surveillance soldiers allegedly encroached upon Cambodian territory, in the area called Phnom Trorp, close to the temple. The Cambodian soldiers drove them away. The Thais resisted and finally withdrew. Once back on their side, they opened fire, injuring one Cambodian soldier. The latter returned fire and injured one or two Thai soldiers”. The exchange of fire between the two groups lasted about ten minutes.

This version was immediately confirmed over the phone by Phay Siphan, spokesperson for the Council of Ministers. According to him, Phnom Penh called Bangkok in order to request explanations. It looks like the situation became peaceful again.

Monday 29 September, the General Secretary of the United Nations, Ban Ki-Moon, suggested on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly that Cambodia and Thailand had to find a joint solution concerning the border conflict around the temples.

After having occupied the area around the temples during numerous weeks, the departure of the soldiers had been negotiated between the military authorities of both countries and was announced on Thursday 14 August by General Neang Phat, Defence Secretary of State and Director of the Committee for the border dispute resolution of Preah Vihear.

This incident might add fuel on the fire between both countries, while Thailand still remains politically unstable.

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