Thursday, 16 October 2008

Singapore very disturbed by Thai-Cambodian border situation

Thai soldiers set-up artillery guns on the Thai-Cambodian border

Channel Asia News
15 October 2008

SINGAPORE: Responding to media queries on the exchange of fire between troops at the Thai-Cambodia border, Singapore's Ministry of Foreign Affairs said the republic is very disturbed by the turn of events.

A ministry spokesman said Singapore reiterated its call for both parties to exercise utmost restraint in the broader interests of the region, and urged both sides to resolve their differences through further negotiations.

Thai and Cambodian troops exchanged fire along the border on Wednesday, killing two Cambodian soldiers, as a dispute over land near an ancient temple turned deadly.

Cambodian Foreign Minister Hor Namhong said that two of his country's soldiers were killed and two others wounded in the clashes, which erupted sporadically for more than two hours before tapering off.

Lieutenant General Wiboonsak Neeparn, the army commander for northeastern Thailand, said that five Thai soldiers were wounded.

Gunfights broke out in the afternoon in a number of small patches of disputed land just a few kilometres away from the 11th century Preah Vihear temple, a UN World Heritage site which is on Cambodian territory.

Cambodia and Thailand have been sparring over land near the temple since July, and tensions soared this week after talks on Monday failed and about 80 Thai troops entered a disputed area, enraging Cambodia.

- AFP/CNA/ls

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