Saturday, 11 October 2008

Thai PM's visit to Cambodia canceled

PHNOM PENH, Oct. 10 (Xinhua) -- The official visit of Thai Prime Minister Somchai Wongsawat to Cambodia has been canceled, an official of the Cambodian foreign ministry said Friday.

The visit was scheduled on Oct. 13. The Cambodian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation did not elaborate the reason of the cancellation.

Meanwhile, the official said that Thai Foreign Minster will come to meet with his Cambodian counterpart Hor Namhong in Phnom Penh on Oct. 13, adding that the two will talk about the border issue.

The canceled visit of Thai Prime Minister is routine visit as part of an ASEAN (the Association of South East Asian Nations) rule that requires all new heads of its member states to greet their neighboring countries after taking office.

Negotiations between Cambodia and Thailand to discuss border demarcation and troop withdrawals have been postponed since late August when political unrest in Bangkok all but froze the operations of the Thai government.

Editor: Jiang Yuxia

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