Saturday, 18 October 2008

Thai protest marchers call Prime Minister Somchai Wongsawat a murderer

Melbourne Herald Sun
Staff writer
October 18, 2008

THOUSAND of anti-government protesters rallied in Bangkok yesterday, distributing leaflets with graphic photos of last week's clashes.

Police hung back by the roadside as some 5000 supporters of the People's Alliance for Democracy marched carrying pictures of Prime Minister Somchai Wongsawat emblazoned with the word "murderer".

Two people were killed and almost 500 injured on October 7, when police fired tear gas to try to prevent thousands of PAD supporters from blocking parliament.

PAD leader Somsak Kosaisuk said 100,000 books and CDs with photos and accounts of the violence were planned.

"The truth will show why the Government has no legitimacy to run the country," he said..

"The Government thinks that people are their enemy and use the police to kill people."

The PAD claims the ruling People Power Party, elected in December, is a puppet of ousted premier Thaksin Shinawatra, whom they accuse of corruption.

The march occurred a day after powerful army chief General Anupong Paojinda appeared on TV saying that if he were Mr Somchai, he would resign, increasing pressure on the Premier, who took the job only a month ago.

CAMBODIA'S Premier vowed yesterday to improve national defence as his troops prepared to begin joint patrols with Thai soldiers at their disputed border.

The agreement is intended to prevent a repeat of Wednesday's clashes on disputed land near the Preah Vihear temple, a UN heritage site on Cambodian territory and the focus of months of tensions.

Three Cambodian soldiers died. The neighbours have blamed each other for the violence, and a war of words over who owns the disputed land continues.


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