Tuesday, 28 October 2008

UNESCO assesses Preah Vihear damage

Cambodge Soir


The Wednesday, October 15 shootings near the World Heritage listed monument affected some areas of the sacred temple.

“For the moment we are still carrying out an assessment of the damage but it doesn’t seem major” indicated Teruo Jinnai, representative of UNESCO in Cambodia, to Cambodge Soir Info.

The representative was warned by the relevant authorities that the “temple was damaged during the skirmishes”. But he indicated that “for the moment no complaint has been filed".

The day of the shooting, the General Director of UNESCO, Koïchiro Matsuura, expressed his sympathy with the United Nations General Secretary’s dismay at the loss of human lives after the skirmishes. He also recalled that the protection of a World Heritage Site “is the collective responsibility of the international community”.

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