Monday, 10 November 2008

Cambodia celebrates 55th anniversary of Independence Day

PHNOM PENH, Nov. 9 (Xinhua) -- Cambodia on Sunday celebrated the 55th anniversary of Independence Day with 50,000 people joining a public parade in front of the Royal Palace.

Cambodian King Norodom Sihamoni went to the Independence Monument in early morning to burn the victory torch before the public parade started.

"This day is a great, valued day that we Cambodians got independence and had full freedom from France. We became a state with sovereignty and have equal rights as other countries in the world," Sihamoni said in his speech.

"We have peace, political stability, unity and the government is trying to reduce poverty step by step," he added.

Meanwhile, Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen said in his speech that the country is moving forward to reform to have good governance, reduce poverty, promote social security and economic development.

"We always organize a big event like this every five years and this time about 50,000 people participated in the ceremony," said Chea Sokhom, deputy secretary general of the committee for organizing national and international festivals.

Cambodia gained independence from France on Nov. 9, 1953.

Editor: Lin Liyu

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