Saturday, 15 November 2008

Cambodia an increasingly popular destination for expeditions

Floating communities in Chhnoktrou Commune directly use the lake water to cook and to drink. This lady is a grocer. Photo: Yeo Kai Wen


By Nuratiqah Bte Ali
November 15, 2008


Together with two lecturers from the School of Life Sciences & Chemical Technology and BA students, 24 student volunteers reached out to a Cambodian home for orphans and widows in September. The health-and-hygiene mission under the Youth Expedition Project (YEP) saw these students armed with anti-worm tablets and bottles of treatment shampoo for head lice. For two weeks, students travelled an hour from Phnom Penh to the home to donate fresh medical supplies.

School of EngineeringMechanical Engineering

Mechanical Engineering students travelled to the island of Kom Rumdual, 20km south of capital city Phnom Penh, with two of their lecturers, from Sep. 22 to Oct. 6.The 19 students laid foundations for the construction of walls to surround a school.They also helped to refurbish the rundown hut of a disabled Cambodian widow on the island.Using Service-Learning methodology, students learnt about different cultures and lifestyles in Cambodia.

School of EngineeringElectronic & Computer Engineering

Alongside Mechanical Engineering students, students from the Electronic and Computer Engineering division were involved in various community projects in Cambodia from Sep. 15 to 28.The 29 students who went on the trip conducted English classes for local Khymer children, set up computers for them, and also taught computer lessons.The students had also visited the homes of local families to learn about how locals live.

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