Thursday, 27 November 2008

Foreign marriage ban lifted

The Phnom Penh Post

Written by Chhay Channyda
Thursday, 27 November 2008

New rules tighten up process, mail-order unions still illegal

ABAN on marriages between Cambodians and foreigners aimed at curbing human trafficking has been lifted, officials said Wednesday, adding that new regulations will seek to prevent internet websites from featuring mail-order Cambodian brides.

The suspension, begun in late March, was lifted on November 3, but the "new subdecree [regulating marriages] has not yet been widely publicised", said Bith Kimhong, director of the Interior Ministry's Anti-human Trafficking Department.

The ban came into effect amid alarm over the rising numbers of brokered unions between South Korean men and poor, uneducated Cambodian women.

In 2004, the South Korean embassy in Phnom Penh issued 72 marriage visas to Cambodian women. By 2007, that figure had jumped to 1,759, with an additional 160 visas issued in the first month of 2008.

The new subdecree states that marriages made through agencies or brokers are still illegal, adding that "all fake marriages aimed at labour exploitation, human trafficking or sexual exploitation are prohibited".

The subdecree also insists that marriage must be based on the "voluntary policy and will" of the individual.

New procedures
Bith Kimhong said that under the new rules, foreigners must be physically present in Cambodia in order to be married and must apply for permission with the Foreign Ministry.

"The Ministry of Interior, after receiving documents from the Foreign Ministry, has to inform to all the relevant authorities on where the marriage will occur," Bith Kimhong said.

"We cannot do like before. This time, foreigners must come to Cambodia to register for marriage," he added, referring to internet unions.

Nop Sarin Sreyroth, secretary general of the Cambodian Women's Crisis Centre, said that while she applauded the reinstatement of legal marriages between Cambodians and foreigners, the new rules do not outline punishment for foreigners who violate the rules.

"We are looking forward to monitoring the government's implementation [of the subdecree]," she said.


  1. Dear Chhay Channyda & admin,

    Greetings. I am a Malaysian n i would like to marry a Cambodia women who lives in Phnom Penh now.

    I heard about Cambodia Prime Minister, Huu Sen has annouced the Foreign marriage ban lifted. Unfortunately, i was told that the government refuses to sign the permission to me because of some internal problem.

    Hereby, i would like kindly ask you this news is truth.

    Please reply me.Or you can contact me by sending me emails at

    I look forward you co-operations.

    benny, from Malaysia.
    contact no. : +6016-5202468

  2. The ban is lifted, I just went to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs yesterday. Unforgettably, the single person in-charge is collecting an unofficial fee of $900. That's right, a cash payment of $900 with no written documentation of a fee schedule. This is outrageous! Other than getting scammed by the Foreign Affiars official, I had no problem getting the paperwork done and took less than an hour. I do still need to get the local police to sign the unofficial documents created by the Foreign Affairs official before he gives me my marriage license. Everyone who wants to marry a Cambodian National must have a affidavit from their embassy in regards of their status as a "single", criminal record, who they will marry, current status (job and salary/visiting and why), and an official xerox copy of their passport. Your fiancee will need to bring the family book, police report, and birth certificate. Both will need 8 4X6 passport photos. You will need to make an appointment by calling Tel: (855) 23 214 441, 216 122 and then bring both your fiancee and yourself. I hope this information helps those who are legitimately trying to marry and not those old perverts and sex traders trying to steal young Cambodian women. These people will have to answer to God.

  3. But as i know now the Ministry of Interior still doesn't want to sign the permission with the reason of they still don't know how to write the content of the permission.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. My paperwork has been sent to the Interior Ministry. Stand-by...

  6. But, i still not yet get any news from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Cambodia saying that they are giving the permission.

  7. I don't know why they are doing the process so slow even they told me that the ministry has signed the agree letter.....

    No wonder Cambodia is the poorest country since they got a "Slow-reaction" government....

    It sounds very STUPID to make this kind of easy thing goes so long....

  8. Alright, it has been five months since I submitted my application the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and I finally received my marriage certificate. What a pain. YOU must be proactive in this affair especially if you are foreigner. YOU must call and bug the heck out of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The number I gave in my first posting is Mr. Vantha. He is the sole person who compiles all the foreign marriages. He then submits the paperwork to the Ministry of Interior. Of course, you have to aid in all aspects. This means going to the Ministry of Interior to put your fingerprints, district,and commune. Make sure you only pay once. They don't have a set fee... Of course, they are corrupt and they have to pay from the top down. Love is very expensive in Cambodia. Money is king and God is dead. I pray that Cambodia will change and become a place of healing. Going on, the ministries will never call you... Call, call, and call. If they change numbers, call the operator and get the new number. Also, keep tabs of your paperwork. Make and get copies. Track everything. Get receipts. The Cambodian government will lie to you. If you don't have a receipt, you can't prove that you paid. Be nice. It was hard for me to hold back from tearing the guy into pieces. With everything said. Be persistent. God Bless
