Thursday, 27 November 2008

Lao PM: Asia can be drug free by 2015

HANOI, Nov. 26 (Xinhua) -- Lao Prime Minister Bouasone Bouphavanh has asked drug officials from Laos, two neighboring countries, Cambodia and Vietnam, to identify the most effective solutions to drug problems to achieve the goal of a drug-free Asian region by 2015, the Lao newspaper Vientiane Times reported on Wednesday.

The statement was made in Vientiane, capital city of Laos, at the opening ceremony of the eighth ministerial meeting on drug control cooperation between Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam from Tuesday to Wednesday.

All three countries, together with other Asian countries, should increase cooperation, regularly provide information and monitor drug smuggling and trafficking along their borders as drug problems are a global issue and there are many challenges at present, said Bouasone.

"Drug abuse creates problems within society and hinders socio-economic development. It also threatens to destroy security and safety," said Bouasone.

In Laos, efforts of addressing this issue is demonstrated by the government's approval of a draft drug control master plan from 2009 to 2013 with a nine-point implementation strategy, to achieve the target of Asian and China becoming drug free by 2015, said Bouasone.

Laos also eliminated opium poppy cultivation two years ago ahead of the planned target and remains focused on solving the negative impacts of drugs on society.

Laos has set up 11 border liaison offices with neighboring countries and will open more offices in the future, said Lao National Commission on Drug Control and Supervision (LCDC) Acting Vice Chairman Kou Chansyna.

Editor: Zheng E

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