Thursday, 27 November 2008

O'Russei vendors protest prices

The Phnom Penh Post

Written by May Kunmakara
Thursday, 27 November 2008

THOUSANDS of vendors at O'Russei Market protested an electricity price hike on Wednesday saying the tariff should be cut due to lower oil prices.

Organisers say all of the market's 8,000 vendors joined the onsite demonstration.

"I don't agree with this hike while oil prices are dropping and the prime minister pressured oil companies to decrease their price," said Sok Kun, a shoe vendor.

She said the market head informed vendors that prices would increase from 1,200 riels to 1,500 riels per kWh.

The company says the municipality approved the change and that it needs to cover high energy costs.

The market has told vendors they must pay the higher prices or have their electricity cut at the end of November.

"Why has the company increased the price at this time? They even force us to pay 2,500 riels for public lights that they rarely turn on," Sok Kun.

Keang Lak, the head of O'Russei Market, said he was merely following an order from the municipality to hike energy tariffs. "I cannot do anything besides tell them to lodge a complaint to the municipality because only the governor can iron out the matter," he said.

Sun Srun, governor of Prampi Makara district, urged the vendors to select 10 representatives to negotiate with the municipality.

"I don't want you to protest. I suggest that you file a complaint and I will bring your complaint letter to municipal governor to find a good solution for you," he said.

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