Tuesday, 18 November 2008

UN Official To Arrive for Tribunal Talks

The courts are moving toward their first trial of a Khmer Rouge leader, Duch, above.
By Sok Khemara, VOA Khmer
Original report from Phnom Penh
17 November 2008

Khmer audio aired 14 November 2008 - Download (MP3) Khmer audio aired 14 November 2008 - Listen (MP3)

UN Assistant Secretary-General for Legal Affairs Peter Taksoe-Jensen will meet with Council Minister Sok An in coming days over the Khmer Rouge tribunal, a UN spokeswoman said.

The meeting would "address a number of issues of common concern to the United Nations and the Cambodian authority," the spokeswoman, Choi Sung-ah, said, declining to elaborate.

The visit comes amid standing allegations of corruption and mismanagement on the Cambodian side of the courts, which led to the delay of hundreds of thousands of dollars in donor funding earlier this year.

The courts are preparing for the first trial of five jailed Khmer Rouge leaders, of prison chief Duch, which is expected to get underway early next year.

Tribunal observers said Taksoe-Jensen's visit was to review budgets and future plans, as well as management and cooperation and a meeting with donors in Phnom Penh.

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