Wednesday, 26 November 2008

Viet Nam, Cambodia party leaders reaffirm relations

Party leader Nong Duc Manh and Chairman of the Cambodian People’s Party and President of the Senate, Samdec Chea Sim, review the honour guard yesterday in Ha Noi. — VNA/VNS Photo Dinh Xuan Tuan


HA NOI — Party General Secretary Nong Duc Manh affirmed that the consistent policy of the Party, State and people of Viet Nam was to attach importance to preserving and developing the "fine neighbourliness, traditional friendship, comprehensive co-operation, and long-term sustainability" between Viet Nam and Cambodia.

He said the motto was not only for relations between the two Parties and countries today, but also for future generations.

Manh made the statement yesterday while meeting with Samdec Chea Sim, Chairman of the Cambodian People’s Party and President of the Senate, who is on an official friendship visit to Viet Nam.

Manh said that close ties between the two Parties and States were priceless to the two nations.
He appreciated the visit’s significance as an important political event, which helped develop solidarity and friendship between the two sides.

The Party leader congratulated the great achievements of the Cambodian people in the past and wished them successes in building a peaceful, independent, democratic and prosperous Cambodia.

He also extended his thanks for the support of the Cambodian People’s Party and the Cambodian people.

Samdec Chea Sim affirmed that strengthening relations with Viet Nam was one of Cambodia’s top priorities.

He said he admired the historical achievements of the Vietnamese people and hoped they would continue to be high achievers in modernisation and industrialisation.

He said the Party, Parliament, Senate, Government and people of Cambodia were grateful for the great sacrifice of the Vietnamese mothers and volunteer soldiers who saved the Cambodian people from the threat of genocide and helped them revive their country.

The two leaders affirmed they would continue to hold high-ranking meetings to create favourable conditions for expanding multifaceted co-operation between the two Parties and countries and boost the exchange between their peoples, especially those living in border provinces.

Samdec Chea Sim invited Party General Secretary Nong Duc Manh to pay an official friendship visit to Cambodia. Manh thanked and accepted. — VNS

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