Monday, 10 November 2008

What goes around comes around: Hok Lundy, police chief dies in helicopter crash

PHNOM PENH, Nov. 9 (Xinhua) -- Cambodian chief of police Hok Lundy died in a helicopter crash Sunday night along with one general and two pilots, the country's government spokesman Khieu Kanharith told reporters.

The accident occurred around 0800 p.m. local time (1300 GMT) in Svay Rieng province, according to police source.

Hok Lundy was on his way from the capital to his native province of Svay Rieng accompanied by the general and two pilots.

The private helicopter fell down about 80 km southeast of PhnomPenh, the source said.

Hok Lundy's body was almost blown into pieces and is now being carried to Phnom Penh, it added.

Meanwhile, Khieu Sopheak, spokesman of the Interior Ministry, told reporters that radio contact was lost with the helicopter 15 minutes after it took off from the Phnom Penh International Airport around 0720 p.m. local time (1220 GMT).

The cause of the crash remained unclear, but the spokesman cited heavy rain as a possible factor.

Editor: Sun Yunlong

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